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  3. How to close and manage opportunities

How to close and manage opportunities

To close an opportunity, go to the selected opportunity record and click on ‘Close Off’ in the list of actions.  

In the Legrand CRM pop-up, select an opportunity outcome. The outcomes include: Won, No Sale or Lost. After you have selected an outcome, enter the outcome reason in the text field below. This information is useful for future sales and reporting. Once you have filled in the fields, click Save’ to close off the opportunity.

The following image is the net result of closing an opportunity. The opportunity record is marked as closed and displays the outcome and reason in the main information section. This way, sales managers can easily track won/loss sales for future sales and reporting. You can also re-activate the opportunity once it has been closed, and this will reverse the action and move the opportunity back to its previous stage. 

If you want to search for active or closed opportunity records, navigate to the main Opportunities module screen and select ‘More Options’. Select the filters ‘Active’ or ‘Closed’ then click on the search icon to view results.  

Updated on 12 June 2024
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